CES 2020

CES 2020 - Falls Are Now Safer in America Too 5 years ago

3dvisionlabs presents PatronuSens® – the patron saint – at the CES 2020. The world innovation was developed by German start-up 3dvisionlabs from Chemnitz and their partners Inferics from Karlsruhe. The sensor will be available by the middle of the year and will minimize falls and serious injuries in the future.

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NVIDIA Jetson Nano

Jetson Nano and Google Coral Edge TPU - a comparison 5 years ago

Since the topics “Machine Learning” and “Artificial Intelligence” in general are growing bigger and bigger, dedicated AI hardware starts popping up from a number of companies. To get an overview over the current state of AI platforms, we took a closer look at two of them: NVIDIA’s Jetson Nano and Google’s new Coral USB Accelerator. In this article we will discuss the typical workflow for these platforms and their pros and cons. The Rivals NVIDIA’s …

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3dvisionlabs Founders

Venture Capital Fund TGFS Invests in 3dvisionlabs (Press Release) 5 years ago

German technology start-up fund „Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen“ (TGFS) invests in 3dvisionlabs GmbH from Chemnitz. The company develops a novel camera technology that, in combination with AI, extends possibilities of digitalization. The founders are confident in a growing relevance of common AI technologies by developing new applications.

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KInterACT - AI Platform for Interactive Services in Future Environments 6 years ago

The spaces of the future are turning into smart environments. Each lounge understands the situation as well as the persons present and controls intelligent services. With the help of artificial intelligence and sensor technology, the human-space interaction is put to a new level of quality. This vision is dedicated to the project KInterACT. The main objective of the project is to create a new quality of interaction between people and service technology (consumer electronics, building …

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We're Bringing Hemispherical Depth Sensing to VISION 6 years ago

VISION 2018 is approaching! From 6 to 8 November 2018 world’s leading trade fair for machine vision takes place at Messe Stuttgart. We at 3dvisionlabs are proud to announce that we’re part of this important event. Join us at Hall 1, Stand 1B72.10 to gain an insight into the next generation of depth cameras. Experience the capabilities of our HemiStereo technology firsthand in exciting live demos. Learn how new applications are brought to life by …

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SimplySafe - A Novel Sensor System for Health and Safety 6 years ago

Harmful particles in the air, a smoldering fire, burglars in the house, a fainting spell in one’s own home, e.g. due to escaping gas – hazardous situations may be found. A novel warning system that actively alerts the user about sources of danger or that recognizes existing emergencies could be a real lifesaver. To make this vision come true, the research team comprising of scientists from Chemnitz University of Technology, Corant GmbH and 3dvisionlabs GmbH …

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GTC EU 2018

Join us at GTC 2018! 6 years ago

Join us at NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference (GTC), where we will be presenting our latest hemispherical depth sensing technology HemiStereo®. Together with our partner Inferics we will show applications of hemispherical depth sensing enabled by the power of latest advances in AI. You can enjoy 25% off your ticket when you use our VIP discount code GMXGTCEU18. NVIDIA’s GTC Europe takes place 9-11 October 2018 at the International Congress Centre in Munich. Featuring over one …

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We presented at Hannover Messe 2018 6 years ago

Last week we joined Hannover Messe, world’s leading industrial technology show. As part of the Young Tech Enterprises area, we showcased our new depth sensing technology HemiStereo to visitors. Our presentation included a live demonstration of hemispherical depth perception with our current development prototype. We were brought to the show by futureSAX, the innovation platform of The Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport. Many thanks to the futureSAX team for the great …

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NVIDIA Inception Program

3dvisionlabs Joins NVIDIA Inception Program 6 years ago

Chemnitz, Germany – May 1st, 2018 – 3dvisionlabs today announced that it has joined the NVIDIA Inception program, which is designed to nurture startups revolutionizing industries with advancements in AI and data sciences. The Germany-based depth camera startup 3dvisionlabs provides future autonomous systems with unprecedented depth perception capabilities. Their HemiStereo technology is extending the field of view (FOV) of machine vision to full hemispherical image and depth perception. Reducing the need for data fusion between …

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