Category: Tutorials

People Tracking with HS-NX

How to Track People with HemiStereo NX 4 years ago

Tracking people’s movements and their behavior is a complex task with many applications in a variety of business areas. Prominent use-cases include people counting, path optimization in retail environments and analyzing in-store consumer behavior. More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic introduces new highly demanded solutions such as distance monitoring in public or work spaces. Our new HemiStereo® NX depth camera with integrated AI is ideally suited for realizing this task. Its ultra-wide field of view of …

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high resolution

Speeding up object detection tasks using INT8 precision on the Jetson Xavier NX 5 years ago

In our last blog post we compared the new NVIDIA Xavier NX to the Jetson TX2 and the Jetson Nano. Since then, we implemented some changes and updates to our benchmark tool. First, we switched from the TensorRT Python API to the C++ API and second, we are now able to convert our model to INT8 precision to speed up inference. This is done by implementing the IInt8EntropyCalibrator2-class. More information on the INT8 calibration process …

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Jetson Nano vs Jetson Xavier NX vs Jetson TX2

NVIDIA’s new Jetson Xavier NX compared to Jetson TX2 and Jetson Nano 5 years ago

In one of our recent blog posts we compared NVIDIA’s Jetson Nano to the Coral USB Accelerator from Google. Recently NVIDIA released a new member of their Jetson family – the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX. This promising product extents the high-end range of AI computers for edge applications. Also at the same price point as Jetson TX2, Xavier NX seems to make ists older brethren practically obsolete. In this post we will have a closer …

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NVIDIA Jetson Nano

Jetson Nano and Google Coral Edge TPU - a comparison 5 years ago

Since the topics “Machine Learning” and “Artificial Intelligence” in general are growing bigger and bigger, dedicated AI hardware starts popping up from a number of companies. To get an overview over the current state of AI platforms, we took a closer look at two of them: NVIDIA’s Jetson Nano and Google’s new Coral USB Accelerator. In this article we will discuss the typical workflow for these platforms and their pros and cons. The Rivals NVIDIA’s …

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GTC EU 2018

Join us at GTC 2018! 6 years ago

Join us at NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference (GTC), where we will be presenting our latest hemispherical depth sensing technology HemiStereo®. Together with our partner Inferics we will show applications of hemispherical depth sensing enabled by the power of latest advances in AI. You can enjoy 25% off your ticket when you use our VIP discount code GMXGTCEU18. NVIDIA’s GTC Europe takes place 9-11 October 2018 at the International Congress Centre in Munich. Featuring over one …

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We presented at Hannover Messe 2018 7 years ago

Last week we joined Hannover Messe, world’s leading industrial technology show. As part of the Young Tech Enterprises area, we showcased our new depth sensing technology HemiStereo to visitors. Our presentation included a live demonstration of hemispherical depth perception with our current development prototype. We were brought to the show by futureSAX, the innovation platform of The Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport. Many thanks to the futureSAX team for the great …

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